Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This just in. . . .FOOD PLAN!

So here it is! My sweet trainer put together my food plan for the next 2 weeks.

Meal Plan
5-6 small meals

Meal 1:
¼ cup of oats or a slice of grainy bread
4 egg whites

Meal 2:
1 Scoop Whey Protein Shake
1 pc of fruit (no banana)

Meal 3:
4oz lean protein (fish, chicken)
½ cup complex carbs (brown rice, rice cake, whole wheat bread)
½ cup veggies

Meal 4:
4oz lean protein (fish, chicken)
½ cup complex carbs (brown rice, rice cake, whole wheat bread)
½ cup veggies

Meal 5:
4oz lean protein (fish, chicken)
1 cup salad
½ cup steamed or raw veggies

Meal 6: (optional – 100 calorie snack)
½ cup fat free yogurt
1 slice whole wheat bread 1oz turkey
10 almonds
1 large stalk of celery w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter mixed with 2 tbsp plain yogurt
1 cup berries
1/2oz baked tortilla chips
(you can also get creative here and make your own healthy 100 calorie snack)

1500-1900 per day, lots of protein!
WORKOUT!! Full-body circuit training
+ 30-45mins of cardio 5days a week

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