Monday, July 20, 2009

Food Log - Day 1

Okay - So I have decided to commit to a 12day "diet" that my trainer has made for me. . . I really do hate anyone telling me what to do, but I promised him I would do it - if i cant lose weight in 12days - my thyroid is broken and im going to the emergency room.
I dont actually get my diet til tonite so this is what I had today. . .
2 small coffees w/ soy milk (no sweetner)
1 hard boiled egg & 1/2 hemp bagel (hemp is very good for you!)
mixed greens & romain salad with a bit of ceasar dressing
2 tuna sandwiches with the tuna picked out of the middle, tossed away the bread = about a cup of tuna if that
(my work brings in lunch everyday of some sort, i usually pick things apart to get what i need)
Small chicken breast
Circuit training with Joe
3crackers and 3 slice of delicious cheese
10 cherries

I at dinner before the gym as my session wasnt until 745p - ugh, not a good idea.
I came home and rinsed off and went to lay down, no more food for me!

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